

Interior Design

Product Design & Development

Architecture and Design Consulting Services

Landscape Installation Design

Master Planning


41 Lower Byrdcliffe Rd 25 W 54th St

Woodstock, NY 12498 New York, NY 10019




Graydon Yearick: 212.920.4710

Joseph Vescio: 347.207.6759


Kevin Murphy: Architectural Design Manager

Patrick Casey: Architect & Project Manager


STUDIO YV is continuously looking for talented people to join our studio. Please send a concise portfolio and resume to:


In 1998 Graydon Yearick started his boutique architectural firm dedicated to creating quiet, poetic spaces as a backdrop for personal narratives. Through form, proportion, light, shadow, mass and

weightlessness, the architecture sties for elegance and effortlessness and defers to the occupants and their lives. In 2022 Graydon Yearick partnered with Joseph Vescio who’s philosophy of design

and space speaks to the fundamentals of simplicity. His body of work spans abroad range of scales and typologies , from private houses, galleries, art, sculpture, furniture, installations, and

product development. STUDIO YV is dedicated to not only crafting the structure we experience ……….

The firms expertises is in city and rural residential design with a focus on clean engird and sustainable infrastructure. With projects in New York City, Los Angeles, Florida, and the Hudson Valley.

STUDIO YV is committed to providing clients with unprecedented services, quality and design that ….